Exploring The Future Of Organizations With A Gestalt Lens

Are you a Gestalt Practitioner, and/or curious about how Gestalt Theory & Methodology open the door for dynamic, inclusive, and healthy workplaces? What comes next, what will tomorrow’s organization look like?
Join our on-line workshop series
Are you curious about how Gestalt Theory & Methodology open the door for dynamic, inclusive, and healthy workplaces? Do you want to deepen your understanding of how we, as human beings, create meaning together? Do you want to explore how you can use your self more awarely to influence the system you work in? What comes next, what do we want tomorrow’s organization to look like, and how can the Gestalt framework help us make that a reality?
You will
Experience how key Gestalt theory & methods inspire Organizational Development (OD), through case presentations, and explanation of key concepts
Peer support, and faculty inspiration related to your own OD work
Be part of a Gestalt Learning Community
Theory and cases presented by the Faculty will be recorded and shared with the participants after each session.
Presentations of theory and cases will be done in English. When working in smaller peer groups you can choose to be in a group that speaks your language of preference, given that there are others who speak the same language. If you rarely speak English this is a friendly environment to start.
Modules & faculty
Phenomenological observations & how it enables us to make good use of what is. Faculty: Lasse Övling
The Cycle of Experience and Figure & Ground Formation & its connection to how to co-create meaning. Faculty: Charlotta Fritsch
Field Theory & how it supports us when working with, and in complexity and volatile environments. Faculty: Eugenio Molini
Use of Self & the implications of seeing your self as a tool for development. Faculty: Lennart Wärmlind, Carina Livh
How can Gestalt Theory inspire the emergence of new ways to lead, collaborate and organize? The organization of the future, organization based on employees’ self management or what? Faculty: Bodil Björnberg, Marcus Olsson
All sessions have this format
Introduction and a check-in connected to today’s Gestalt Concept
Presentation by faculty: Theory and a real-life OD case
Practicum/peer support in small groups supported by a structure
In plenary - inspiration from faculty connected to a case owned by one of the participants (voluntary)
Closure connected to the Concept of the Day and personal learning
Learning hosts and faculty
Linda Ullman and Greta Rask are your learning hosts. You will meet a number of Gestalt Practitioners during the program who will share their take on Gestalt Theory and Methodology along with real life cases.
About the Faculty
Lasse Övling
With a rather traumatic childhood I have early been struggling with my self-esteem and developed automatic strategies for making me important in different groups. Psychology studies became like a cry for help. My own experiences of early tendencies has made me more and more curious about life. There are always new experiences to reflect on and learn from.
Charlotta Fritsch
Life is energy. We are energy. Everything is energy.
I have always been fascinated by identity and energy. After I lost all my energy in an exhaustion syndrome, Gestalt philosophy has been my compass in life to find meaning, balance and my own source. I started my career as a tour guide, explored the advertising industry as an Art Director and brand manager. I graduated as a Gestalt therapist in 2008. Since then I have been working as an “energy manager”, as a therapist and organizational consultant in the private and public sector. Supporting leaders, organizations and employees in change work towards a desired culture and a fearless organization.
I often think that I have a responsibility to be part of the change I want to see. Warmth and love are prerequisites for boldness and daring to change. I look forward to being a part of this exploratory learning journey. (www.fritschocompany.se)
Eugenio Moliní
I began to understand the world only after my system of beliefs was shattered. And only when my heart was broken did I begin to understand human nature.
Applying what I learned to my professional practice – promoter, designer and facilitator of change processes – I understood that only interventions made from a place of love will have a chance of having impact when addressing the enormous challenges of climate change, mass migration, global war, …
I also understood that love alone will not make a difference if it is not channeled through technical excellence and conceptual coherence.
So this is my endeavor: to promote change in the world from a place of love, with technical excellence and conceptual coherence.
Tall order.
Lennart Wärmlind
From an early age, I began to realize how differently we perceive reality. Growing up in Sweden with parents from diverse backgrounds, helped me see that there are many ways to interpret the world. These complexities led me to intuitively use my body to sense and make meaning of the differences within and around me, as well as to work with collaborative processes between people. Building on this foundation, along with my Gestalt training, I now support leaders and teams from around the world in leading themselves and navigating diverse perspectives. Through this learning journey, I hope to contribute to an environment that supports both inner growth and more conscious co-creation. (www.videcio.se)
Carina Livh
Early in my professional career, I began to explore how my own presence and awareness affected my relationships, my way of relating to myself and how I operated. In the role as a management consultant, I was expected to be a specialist who acted on the belief that change is created through dividing and distributing targets, planning, and pushing individual efforts and achievements. I began to doubt. Since my Gestalt training, I have contributed to change and transformation in organizations inspired by an approach based on embracing complexity, focusing on the present moment, co-creating, and supporting the emerging energy. I strongly believe that these are traits that organizations need, to be able to handle future challenges and opportunities.
Bodil Björnberg
I am an engineer, educated to be curious and solve problems through experimenting. But I could not just solve problems with the products, I wanted to make everyone happy. I wanted to help companies make their organizations a place worthy of their brilliant people.
I did not first understand why, but when I found Gestalt I got a better understanding of how I, as a child, got the role of making everyone happy and keeping peace between my siblings. I then found I could use my playfulness and instead of focussing on the problem, look for a way to learn and experiment.
Marcus Olsson
My introduction to Gestalt began when I had the opportunity to collaborate with an organizational consultant on a large-scale change project. I was deeply impacted by his openness and ability to create a sense of safety in the room. There was something about the way he listened, asked questions, and met us “here and now” that made me and my colleagues feel seen, understood, and inspired.
Today, I support development and collaboration in complex environments as a Gestalt practitioner. Connection is important to me, and my approach is grounded in the belief that people want to grow, contribute, and be actively involved.

Linda Ullman
Curiosity, a longing for belonging - alongside the need to be an independent individual - and meaning inspires many of us to grow as humans. This personal growth is also essential for the growth of an organization. I have experience from working with people and culture, individual, team and organizational development. I am brave, energetic, empathic, challenging, structured and thoughtful, qualities I hope to use to support this growth together with Greta.

Greta Rask
As human beings we search for meaning and we want to have a say in matters that concern us. This belief has guided me in my work with leaders and teams for the past 34 years. Working in organizations on all continents, supporting people that have urgent and challenging tasks to handle, inspires me to hold on to my aspiration: Rethinking how we lead, organize and collaborate is both essential and possible. And in every moment of my work I am supported by Gestalt. To quote a Gestalt colleague, for me “Gestalt is an applied philosophy for living. It is about health, vibrancy, good form and passion.” I look forward to hosting this explorative learning journey together with Linda. (www.raskutveckling.com)
November 6, 2024, 16.30 - 20.00
December 4, 2024, 16.30 - 20.00
January 22, 2025, 16.30 - 20.00
February 19, 2025, 16.30 - 20.00
March 19, 2025, 16.30 - 20.00
All times are CET.
4 000 SEK + VAT if you are paying from your own pocket
8 000 SEK + VAT if your company is paying for you
1 200 SEK + VAT as minimum, if you need a lower price